Wednesday, April 5, 2017

final idea

1. Someone is skateboarding and there board breaks.
2. They then go to the skateshop
3. They buy a board and set it up
4. They push to the skatepark
5. They tie their shoes and put their headphones
6. They go to do there first trick and the board breaks

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

5 years pt2

Last Final.
It is the last final of my senior year. I have been studying for this exam like no exam before. I am sitting in the classroom fifteen minutes early like always looking over my notes for some last minute preparation. I feel pretty confident about how i am going to preform on this exam but I can't help but feel nervous.

The last straggler walks into the room just in time. As the professor hands out the exams I am feeling more nervous than ever. My hands are starting to feel clammy. I take a look at the exam and take a deep breath, i'm ready.

As I fill in the last question on the exam, and check to see if I answered all the questions, I feel confident. The last final is over. No more studying. No more reviewing flashcards. Now we just hope that my gut feeling is right and that I killed the last exam.  

Graduation day 2020
This attire is familiar, I haven't worn a cap and gown since high school graduation. I am having flashbacks of looking around the gymnasium at Villanova and seeing my classmates, friends and family. I remember the looks on there faces, they were excited for the new beginnings and proud of the past accomplishments.  As I finish getting ready I walk out of my apartment hoping to see the same looks from friends and family.

I arrived at the Liacours center right on time. I found where I needed to be so I would be in alphabetical order. While I wait for the ceremony to begin I see where my parents are sitting. I can see there faces, excited and proud. then we walk in.

As I look around at everyone wearing there caps and gowns I take a moment to realize that the college experience is over. Its been a rough couple over years but today is the day. All the late nights spent in the studio have paid off. All the friends in my class trying to take in the last moments like me. You can see all of the excitement on everyones faces. On to a new chapter in life, hopefully just as good as this one.

Ever since I was a little kid I wanted to live at the beach. Now this dream is becoming a reality. I have been saving up and researching for a few years now and can't wait to get away from the east coast winter weather. I am going to miss it. Oh yeah no i'm not.

I've packed up all that needs to make the journey with me to my new home in Venice California. Clothes, check, Furniture, check, plane ticket, check. As I lift the last box into the moving van I take a moment to look at the dead, cold landscape. I am really not going to miss this at all. I hoped into my car and drove to the airport, next stop sunny California.

As i got off the plane the seventy degree weather felt so great. Too bad it was raining, so much for sunny California huh. I get to my new apartment, which is located a block or two away from the beach, and I start to unpack. Once I get everything I need unpacked I looked outside. It was sunny and drying up by the second. I grabbed my skateboard and went for the first cruise around my new neighborhood.

Monday, February 27, 2017

5 years

In five years I would like to have my teaching degree or at least just be finishing my last semester. I wish to be living in Philadelphia with a steady income job and after i get my degree i would like to move out to Long Beach, California for a few years to live a relaxed lifestyle teaching art. I would wish to be living happy and healthy, getting in many beach days and warm winters.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Alternative facts

In my opinion Alternative facts are not facts at all. They are the opinions that these officials want us to believe are true. The pictures of the crowd sizes are real pictures compared side by side from a reliable source however the Trump administration called the photos a inaccurate representation of the crowd size. the administration then said “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration—period—both in person and around the globe.” which was a lie. We also know that Trumps aids lied about Trump writing his own inaugural speech.  The fact that the president of the United States can lie about these things and no one seems to truly care just backs up what the previous article said. That millennials are afraid to voice there own opinion but the ones that do are just posting about it on the internet and not taking action.